An early morning fire at a Roseville apartment complex has displaced multiple people. Now they are expected to receive help ...
It happened around 1:30 a.m. Friday at the Macomb Manor Apartment Complex on Masonic in Roseville, where officials say flames ...
Roseville fire crews rescued a couple from a second-floor balcony, while another couple sustained minor injuries after they ...
The man and an accomplice tricked companies into sending them money, then laundered it through numerous accounts, prosecutors ...
The eastbound I-80 offramp to Eureka Road was closed due to a crash as of 10:02 a.m., CHP said. The exit will reopen in 1-2 hours.
Hundreds of health care workers protested outside Kaiser Permanente’s Roseville Medical Center Tuesday, calling for the ...
Voters on Tuesday, March 11, will determine whether the House returns to a 67-67 tie or if Republicans will have a 68-member ...
The Roseville Fire Department celebrated the opening of its newest fire station Saturday while honoring one of their own.
Roseville continues to grow fast as new homes are going up. A new report shows the city is leading the region​ in home sales.
If you're due for a haircut, what about taking a little extra off and raising some money for a very special cause?
"The biggest challenge that we've had and other people and other businesses here have had tends to be around the transient ...
The Denio Family Park, a 96-acre park featuring disc golf, has recently opened to the public in Roseville. This is the City ...