DU2, measuring 160 feet wide and travelling at 62,650 km/h, will pass Earth on March 6 at a safe distance of 542,000 km.
Planet killer asteroids are space rocks that are 1 kilometer across or larger and could have a devastating effect on life. But smaller asteroids can cause regional devastation if they are ...
While this may not seem like much, it was one of the highest-risk asteroids on record, prompting astronomers to scramble to gather more precise data before it faded into the sun. At approximately ...
Astronomers believe that 14,000 undiscovered near-Earth objects like asteroids, large enough to cause damage, could be in space. Recently, NASA was tracking a large asteroid flying past Earth ...
Space agencies have systems in place to spot, track, and forecast the future orbits of potentially hazardous asteroids. NASA has a network of telescopes used to track near-Earth asteroids ...
Sensational "city killer" headlines aside, NASA and the European Space Agency reported the asteroid "has a very small chance" of Earth impact.
Here’s what experts think. All asteroids orbit the sun, and some have orbital paths that cross Earth’s. That’s the case with 2024 YR4, one of about 20,000 Apollo-type asteroids that orbit ...
Countless asteroids in our solar system, some close, some far — but did you know that some of these space rocks have names? Several years ago, Unistellar held a contest to name an asteroid its citizen ...
We aren't talking about "little green men" here, however — more "little (and not so little) gray rocks," asteroids from the triple star system Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri is the closest star ...
By analyzing the D/H ratio–the proportion of heavy hydrogen (deuterium) to standard hydrogen–scientists found that Earth's water more closely matches that of "carbonaceous" asteroids ...