But perhaps the most highly-anticipated one is Robert Pattinson and Matt Reeves gearing up for the The Batman: Part II' s ...
Batman is as much about the gadgets as he is the suit and the intense brooding. Enter Julian Checkley, a cosplayer whose Batman Arkham-inspired suit includes 23 working gadgets. It was enough to ...
Ask yourself: What could possibly be better than your very own real-life Batman-inspired leather motorcycle suit? Well now, that would have to depend on your particular comic book leanings ...
Would I pay handsomely to be Batman? You wouldn’t even have to pay me to be Batman. I would dawn the suit. ‘Gotham is mine.’ Look at that, I don’t even have to practice. It just comes out ...
Batman isn’t just the world’s greatest detective. He’s also a master of branding, someone who understands the importance of iconography. So while he’s had several different costumes ...
James Gunn's The Brave and the Bold has no significant updates on its Batman. Rumor had it that Robert Pattinson could reprise his role of the caped crusader from his 2022 film, but Andy Muschietti, ...