No exaggeration. Lemonades are the second citrus-flavored cookie in the Girl Scout lineup. They also far outrank Lemon-Ups, thanks to the citrus icing on the bottom. They're crisp, decadent ...
customers can purchase cookies in flavors including Adventurefuls, Caramel Chocolate Chip, Caramel deLites or Samoas, Peanut Butter Sandwich or Do-si-dos, Girl Scout S'mores, Lemonades, Lemon-Ups ...
Thin Mints and other popular types of Girl Scout cookies were named in the lawsuit filed in New York on Monday.
From lemon-flavored cheesecake to peanut butter coffee, these Girl Scout cookie-inspired treats are available this month.
They tested 11 types of cookies: Adventurefuls, Caramel deLites (also known as Samoas), Peanut Butter Sandwich (also known as Do-si-dos), Girl Scout S’mores, Lemonades, Lemon-Ups, Peanut Butter ...
Town Spa, located at 1119 Washington St., Stoughton, 02072: If you prefer to get them in person, a booth will be set up on Saturday, March 8, noon to 4 p.m. at Town Spa. To find more locations, you ...