The core traits of Hufflepuffs help prove that these ... Pomona Sprout is the head of Hufflepuff House and the head of the ...
Each Hogwarts house has different traits that the students predominantly possess, with, in the simplest terms, Gryffindor favoring the brave, Ravenclaw taking in the intelligent, Hufflepuff ...
This house of heroes was offset by Slytherin ... were his deep-rooted dedication and sense of justice - classic Hufflepuff traits. Neville's kind of heroism had Hufflepuff written all over ...
We decided more celebrities needed shuffling into houses, so, according to the personality traits of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw, here's 12 major stars and where they'd end up ...
One of these house ghosts is the ghost of Hufflepuff ... Ernie does show the traits of Hufflepuff in his loyalty, being ...
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw: the famous four houses of Hogwarts ... there are many other characters whose traits don't really match those of their Hogwarts house.