The Shroud of Turin, or the Holy Shroud, is believed by some to be Jesus Christ’s burial garment. The centuries-old linen cloth appears to bear the faint image of a crucified man who endured ...
But researchers have made several attempts to figure out when the linen cloth was produced. A 1988 test placed the shroud firmly in the Middle Ages, between A.D. 1260 and A.D. 1390. But a recent ...
Linen clothing appears in many illustrations from the time of ancient Egypt. Watch the following video clip and ask pupils to make a list of the different ways linen was used in Egypt. Pupils can ...
Scientists in Italy have shared new evidence that appears to confirm the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin ... in it after his crucifixion. The linen, which is kept in Turin and measures ...
Applying this method to a small sample from the Shroud housed in Turin's Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, the researchers obtained results "fully compatible" with a linen sample historically ...