These anime don't just show off impressive war machines; they also delve deep into the themes surrounding large-scale ...
MECH.4410 Thermo-fluid Applications, and MECH.4250 Design of Machine Elements, and MECH.4730 Design Theory and Constraints, and Senior Status, and Permission of Instructor.
This creative artwork showcases the overall high quality of the Pokemon community’s fan art, and this alternative design of the three popular critters as mechanical monsters looks unique.
The principles of mechanics and commonly used failure theories are applied to the design and analysis of machine elements ... and belts. Pre/Co-req: MECH.3220 Control of Mechanical Systems, or ...
Engineering Projects Expo is here! We invite you to spend some time getting to know this year's Mechanical Engineering Senior Design projects and teams. Engineering Projects Expo celebrates the hard ...
Gain Real-World Experience: Required cooperative education means hands-on, full-time paid work experience in the industry. Choice of Dynamic Courses: Advanced course work and elective courses focus on ...