Our list of the Best Hair Metal Album of Every Year From 1981 to 1991 proves that before it was relegated to the dustbin of ...
Our picks for the Heaviest Song by 11 Big Hair Metal Bands proves the subgenre packed a harder punch than its detractors were ...
If you're a guitarist, our list of Top 20 Hair Metal Guitar Solos will give you quite a challenge. If you're just a fan, they ...
The hair, or glam, metal bands of the 1980s remain one of the true guilty pleasures in music history. The hair spray, makeup, and catchy pop tunes touched up with distortion were made for MTV.
Hair metal has a lot of unsung heroes when it comes to singers, including these seriously underrated ones. 6 Bands Who Are Wrongly Labeled Hair Metal 6 Bands Who Are Wrongly Labeled Hair Metal Are ...
Their era of debauchery, highlighted by some enduring rock anthems, is distilled in "Nöthin’ But a Good Time: The Uncensored ...
The three-part docuseries Nothin’ but a Good Time: The Uncensored Story of ’80s Hair Metal will debut on the Paramount+ ...
Think hair metal and glam rock are dead ... Then, James Gunn used their song “Do Ya Wanna Taste It” in the opening sequence of his HBO series Peacemaker, and Wig Wam earned further acclaim.