The recitation of the rosary allows us to fix our gaze and our hearts upon Jesus ... to the glory of the most holy and indivisible Trinity. Amen.
Pray for us, Queen of the most holy Rosary, - That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. II. It is but too true that we, although thy children, are the first who crucify Jesus in our hearts ...
Instead of the Tagalog-based "Aba Ginoong Maria," the newly approved text is bannered as "Ave Maria," like in the Latin version.
It is a meditation on the lives of both our Lord and ... At the end of the Rosary any suitable prayers may be said, though the following are the most common: the Hail Holy Queen (p.
I think it’s well-established that the Holy Rosary has a few different origin ... help Catholics fight heresy and grow closer to God. Our Lady revealed the form of the devotion and the layout ...
For 27 days (3 x 9 days, or three novenas) the devotee will recite every day five decades of the Rosary to petition from Our Lady the special favor sought ... The girl directed her prayer to Mary, ...