Many orb weavers, such as Araneus diadematus (commonly called the European garden spider), have intricate patterns on their backs, which can range from white spots to bold stripes.
Peer into the tiny world of the Golden Orb Weavers of South Carolina. Peer into the tiny world of the Golden Orb Weavers of South Carolina. Uncover their lifestyles as one’s hunting and eating ...
In front of the volcano is a pair of sauropods (Omeisaurus tianfuensis). Dominating this picture, a giant orb-weaving spider, (Mongolarachne jurassica) having spun a web amongst the Ginko baiera ...
A photo of a folded Garden Orb-weaver was posted on a Facebook group dedicated to identifying Australian spiders by Cape Hillsborough resident Kim Smith. While another wrote, “So she has some ...
The legs are dark brown with light brown bands. The markings are somewhat variable. Its webs seem at first classic orb webs - radiating spokes from a central point with concentric circles of web. On ...