The building blocks of life on Earth may have been fueled by tiny sparks hopping between water droplets.
Today NASA said that the Dawn spacecraft has fallen out of contact with Earth, presumably because it’s run out of the thruster… Read More The once-mysterious bright spots shining on the surface of the ...
The Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer offers what experts call an unprecedented look at the world’s lakes, rivers and wetlands, ...
Mars might hold enough subsurface water to cover its surface in a global ocean between 0.62 to 1.24 miles (1 to 2 kilometers) ...
Last year, alone, volunteers organized by Xylem: Provided emergency clean water to 54,000 people in Brazil displaced by catastrophic floods, thanks to collaborations with Planet Water Foundation.
A recent study of data from multiple missions shows the Red Planet may get its name from an iron mineral that formed when ...
We may be starting to get a grasp on what kick-started life on Earth – and it could help us search for it on other planets ...
Seismic readings of the interior of Mars strongly suggest large quantities of water buried 6 to 12 miles underground.
Researchers are using basalt spectra to study exoplanets and search for water with the James Webb Space Telescope. By ...
The Solar System's first-of-its-kind finding may be a 90% water planet. Is the dwarf planet, Ceres, holding the possibility ...
Water once existed in abundance of at the surface of Mars. How much of that water has been stored in the planet's crust is still unclear, according to a new analysis.
Nuclear pulse propulsion is a technology that would work. It was being developed in the 1960s but it was stopped because of ...