A new Hoyoverse game is on the horizon, and concept art has been teased for an adorable life sim in the latest recruitment ...
While Sailor Moon might be known for its flashy transformations & colorful vibes, the shojo also had some heart-breaking ...
Chrono Trigger is an icon for many reasons, but the Dragon Ball creator's vision of its time-travel universe has helped it ...
Credit: The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures / Toei Animation Co., Ltd. / Walt Disney Pictures, Troma Entertainment, Toho Co., Ltd.
The Force Unleashed II, Kinect Star Wars and Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi are among the worst video games from the galaxy ...
Every year, new holiday items are lovingly added, and this year is no exception, with Chibi Lovebirds ... He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend ...
That’s the setup for this Star Wars dungeon crawler ... Arcadia Quest opts for a different approach with a chibi art style. This welcoming aesthetic is matched by its easy-to-pick-up gameplay.
It takes the Game Boy Colour game - Link's Awakening DX - and gives it a fresh art style, a chibi-esque toy village ... Proof that the green plumber can be the star of the show, Luigi's Mansion ...
Phantasy Star Online 2 gives players the ability to ... per se (unless you include your chibi avatar as part of the Arcade Quest mode), but you can gussy up existing fighters to look like a ...
The game has adorable, chibi-like pixelated graphics and each character has a ... Count of Demonshire Claude, Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest, Inspector Yuna, King of the Hill Cornet, Osprey Anna ...
Vampires in anime can be noble protagonists, light-hearted figures, or conflicted beings. Characters like Karin Maaka, Zero Kiyuu, and Terakomari Gandesblood break stereotypes. While Alucard is a ...
Then, you have Sailor Chibi Moon, the daughter of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. She travels hundreds of years back in time to be trained by the younger version of her mother in order to use her ...