Carefully selecting which skill and tool proficiencies you want based on each background can help optimize your bard build ... best bard background for your DND campaign. The rules for how ...
Honor Among Thieves is a great movie for all audiences, but it's packed full of great D&D references for players.
If you don't want to play with others, this entry actually introduces NPC characters that can ... and the painstakingly accurate rendition of Dungeons & Dragons will delight fans.
These wood-carved Dungeons and Dragons minis are too cute - and their creator, Johnny Layton, says you could easily make your own.
I want to roll around in the new Dungeons and Dragons starter set’s maps, tokens, and power cards like Scrooge McDuck in his ...
The world may be bleak, but there is still some joy: the 2023 DND movie, aka Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, is now streaming on Netflix. And whether or not you’ve ever played the nerdy ...
Lionsgate and Hasbro's upcoming Monopoly movie will be penned by the duo who bought us the criminally underrated Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves film. Deadline reports John Francis Daley ...
Professional wrestling mixed with Dungeons & Dragons?! We are definitely curious about how this combination will play out. Instead of fighting in the ring, the battle is on the board in this ...
Over the last decade, Dungeons & Dragons has gone from a geeky tabletop RPG to, well, a geeky tabletop RPG with serious skin in the mainstream game. From Stranger Things with its demogorgons and ...
A few years back, the online right became enamored of a new epithet for liberals NPC short for non-player character. Non-playable non-player character. But you don’t know about this. Do I get to ...