The Alabama man who starred in multiple episodes of TLC’s “My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding” and his girlfriend were killed ...
More than two dozen dogs were rescued after an investigation into a dog fighting ring in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State ...
A: Unfortunately, rivalry amongst dogs in the home is one of the worst things to deal with. There are many suggestions for ...
A group of maintenance workers in New Jersey recently discovered four dead dogs on the side of a highway recently that police said had injuries "consistent with dog fighting." On the same day, 14 ...
Nearly two decades after the Michael Vick case launched organized dog fighting into the spotlight, it still remains a ...
"He should live in the same squalor that he put these poor dogs in and let him learn that little life lesson." ...
A group of dog walkers have hit back after they were banned from letting their pets off the lead at a cemetery. Dog walkers ...
A West Hazleton man jailed on drug trafficking offenses is suspected of hoarding, training and providing medical aide to dogs used in animal fighting. Brandon Christopher Crum, 38, was the target of ...
Police said 19 crated dogs were found inside the home and eight crated in a backyard shed. One other dog was running loose on ...
The country’s leading animal welfare charity believes violent and highly secretive dog fighting rings exist nationwide, ...
While troopers were at the home, officials say they found numerous items related to animal fighting, as well as multiple ...
Kevin Brown, 39, pleaded not guilty to dozens of charges of drug and gun possession and keeping seven fighting dogs in squalid conditions in the backyard of his mother’s Willow Avenue address.