The Annovar software was used to filter and annotate the variant. All nonsense, frameshift, and canonical splice site variants were considered to be deleterious. The pathogenic potential of missense ...
01 “Frameshift” (Feat. ELUCID) 02 “14 Hours” (Feat. Faris Badwan of the Horrors) 03 “Slip Angle” (Feat. Valentine Caulfield of Mandy, Indiana) TOUR DATES: 05/02 – Dublin, IE @ The ...
Comprehensive & taxonomy-independent database Bakta provides a large and taxonomy-independent database using UniProt's entire UniRef protein sequence cluster universe. Thus, it achieves favourable ...
Correspondence to Dr Frederik J Steyn, Centre for Clinical Research, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia; f.steyn{at} This male patient was first seen at age 62 years ...