Writer and director Michael Fields, who owns and tends bar at the Logger Bar, consults with Biscuit the bar dog ahead of the opening night performance of Logger Legends, Liars and Lookers on March 4.
The new League of Ireland season is just five games old, but Aidan Keena is up and running with a series of impressive ...
That when it came to it, Liverpool were shown up by PSG in the Champions League, the first decent, non-crisis-ridden team they met. And it has been an odd Premier League season, one in which most of ...
One of the Girls will play an early show at SPACE on March 16 and a late show at the Celtic Knot on March 17. March is here, ...
Our annual guide to spring events in Charlotte occurring throughout the city and nearby as the weather warms up.
2019: Australian cardinal George Pell is sentenced to six years in prison for sexual abuse. On the same day, British MPs vote to reject a no-deal Brexit, defeating Theresa May’s government 321 votes ...