Faire ses courses sous le regard énigmatique de Mona Lisa ? Ça sera bientôt une réalité à Lyon ! Du 5 au 10 mai 2025, le centre commercial Westfield Lyon Part-Dieu accueillera une exposition hors du c ...
J-Hope rises and apparent paint or shaving cream is swiped across his face. "Mona Lisa" is his second recent single after ...
At long last, Berenson had freed himself from the vampiric face of the Mona Lisa. Today Leonardo’s painting, happily ...
In order to fund the museum's colossal €800 million renovation plan, director Laurence des Cars has no shortage of ideas: prestigious galas, American donors and higher ticket prices for foreign ...
Discover the hidden stories of the Louvre in Paris, with Elaine Sciolino’s new book Adventures in the Louvre, out this April ...
Serait-ce la seule présence de Mona Lisa ou celle de ces 35 000 autres chefs-d'Å“uvre exposés qui font le succès du musée du ...
A man wandered around the Louvre rooms: his name was Vincenzo Pietro Peruggiaa Italian born in Treino (Varese) who made the ...
I traveled to Paris for the first time in YEARS and we'll you're coming along with me. In this 48 hour guide to Paris see some unique and off-the-beaten-path things to do in Paris, like a super unique ...
The Tate Modern is packed, the Prado is heaving and there’s no way around the lines at the Louvre. But I won’t despair as ...
En partenariat avec le musée du Louvre, la mutuelle MGEN de l’Aveyron a proposé une exposition itinérante dans toute la ...
Il s'agit probablement du portrait le plus célèbre du monde: celui de Monna Lisa. Avec son iconique regard, et son sourire aux lèvres, ce tableau reste ...
Hollywood's best and brightest graced the halls of the Musée Louvre on Tuesday night for the most glamorous new event in town ...