Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
The rundown: The Wildcats return four starters in the defensive secondary: cornerback Marquis Groves-Killebrew, nickel back ...
After the Yankees reversed their longtime beard ban, facial-hair experts, including ZZ Top’s Billy F. Gibbons, weighed in.
In the parable of the good Samaritan, a priest and a Levite passed the man in need before the Samaritan arrived. Why did they ...
The fact that apples grown from seedling trees are extremely tart and basically inedible — as opposed to cloned or grafted ...
The twenty-seventh chapter of Leviticus records God’s tax guidelines ... is the Lord’s…” The farmer who harvested 10 tons of wheat owed one of them to the temple treasury.
Ashes in the Bible serve as symbolic physical reminders of our short earthly lifespan compared to the heavenly eternity of ...
There are far too many things about the knowledge of God that are simply beyond man’s pay grade, as David admits.
For 10 years, the Rev. Jamie P. Washam has been posting inspirational, provocative, and amusing messages outside the church founded by Roger Williams in 1638.
By T. Gamble. My daughter is getting married later this year. She is marrying into a Catholic family. I have no real problem with that but do note that the Catholic faith has cert ...