The Ghatasthapana ritual, which marks the beginning of Chaitra Navratri, has its own mythological relevance. It is believed ...
Dates: This festival also marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year in many parts of India, especially in North India ...
April 2025 aligns with the Hindu Lunar months of Chaitra and Vaisakha for the followers of both Purnimanta and Amanta ...
Refinery29, the leading media and entertainment company for young women and underrepresented voices, is proud to announce the return of its groundbreaking experiential platform, 29Rooms, in ...
Refinery29, the leading media and entertainment company for young women and underrepresented voices, is proud to announce the return of its groundbreaking experiential platform, 29Rooms, in ...
Chaitra Navratri begins on the first day of the Hindu Luni-Solar calendar and since Chaitra is the first month of the Hindu ...
The nine days of Chaitra Navratri hold great significance. This year, will the Navratri celebrations last for 8 or 9 days?
Meen Sankranti is today. When the Sun enters Pisces, Kharmas begins. Know what to do and avoid during Kharmas, and when it ...
Nestled along the fertile banks of the Red River in Hà Ná»™i, Phú Xá village bursts into life each year on the tenth day of the ...
Holi is a powerful time for manifestation using Vedic rituals like fire ceremonies, color energy, water purification, chanting, and gratitude practices to attract prosperity, remove negativity, and ...
Attukal Pongala is a 10-day festival in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, celebrating the Goddess Attukal Devi. Women gather to ...