Getting a personal loan when you have bad credit or no credit history can be tough. However, some lenders can still work with you, helping you borrow money for emergency expenses including medical ...
The Hindi movie has Pavail Gulati, Pravesh Rana, Girish Kulkarni, Kubbra Sait and others in the cast. The movie, funded by Zee Studios, is directed by Rosshan Andrrews. The film has Jakes Bejoy's ...
The use of the words ‘tapori gang’ has evoked mixed response from the community. Some are terming it “immature” behaviour on Jayesh’s part while others are saying that he must have spoken after due ...
Bad sportsmanship abounds. A losing team tells the winners to take the trophy and "shove it up your ass." Besides this cold dose of reality, the movie also offers a steady supply of laughter. Much of ...
Wise-cracking news reporter Georgina goes undercover in a women's prison to get the story of a lifetime. But she discovers she's stranded behind bars after her outside contact suddenly dies, now ...
There's nothing worse than having to constantly buy individual movies and TV shows on YouTube or Amazon, it's costly and an inconvenient way to consume your favourite screen content. The alternative ...
On their 11th album, the long-running post-rockers open up disarming, uplifting new dimensions to their sound without veering too far from familiar paths. Appearing two tracks into The Bad Fire ...
If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. The movie adaptation of Tomi Adeyemi's debut YA novel, Children of Blood and Bone, is officially on the horizon. After years in the ...
There's a DNA and a soul to movies—good and bad—that often times feels like destiny. If you're lucky, sometimes you'll find a movie that makes it hard to remember a list of favorites that didn ...
Chris said, before adding, “It is amazing to us that you welcome us even though we are from Great Britain. Thank you for forgiving us for all of the bad things that Great Britain has done.” ...