But real lightning would have struck infrequently—and mostly in open ocean, where organic compounds would have quickly ...
With the help of the world's most powerful X-ray laser, a research team has achieved an important breakthrough: Using the example of the pharmaceutically active substance 2-thiouracil, they applied a ...
Many biologically important molecules change shape when stimulated by UV radiation. Although this property can also be found in some drugs, it is not ...
Kokoris came up with the idea of solving some of the noise issue of nanopore sequencing by converting DNA into larger ...
For the first time, scientists have captured how complex molecules change shape when exposed to UV light—an ultra-fast ...
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Where they get them is the problem. Figure 3 should make this obvious. Figure 3. DNA nucleobases, especially adenine and guanine have nucleophilic nitrogen atoms (yellow stars) and are therefore ...
Nobody knows how life began on Earth, but some tantalizing clues from an asteroid suggest it might not have started here.