I was bundled up for the winter cold but my dog was eager to go. As soon as we were out the door, owl hoots greeted us. A pair of great horned owls were calling to each other from trees about a block ...
U.S. Forest Service layoffs have upended surveys for spotted owls in Southern and Northern California, threatening data ...
I’m waiting for my breakfast order by the napkin counter at the King Arthur Baking Company when a demure woman with gorgeous ...
Pittsburgh's newest celebrity is a great horned owl chick named Muppet who has fans hooting and hollering as she scrambles ...
A sign overlooking the scenic bluffs of the Root Valley in southeastern Minnesota identifies Houston, a small town that goes ...
Lila Seidman covers wildlife for the L.A. Times and wrote about how the little goofy owl is under threat.
Moving to the countryside was always a dream, and now it’s a reality for recent home buyer Jane who has embraced a new ...
The opening of a new enclosure and flying display area at an owl sanctuary gave people a chance to walk on the wild side.
What once began as a simple affair to commemorate a local animal celebrity’s “hatch-day” has transformed through the years ...
The 23rd annual International Festival of Owls featured live owls on display, a children's owl calling contest and much more.
WAYNESBORO, Pa. — Buttonwood Nature Center is hosting an "owl prowl" along its trails at 10356 Amsterdam Road in Waynesboro.
Clicking is a defensive posture for owls, but their beaks aren't the only thing they use when giving a warning.