Our DNA is constantly under threat — from cell division errors to external factors like sunlight and smoking. Fortunately, ...
For the Liu Lab, necessity is truly the mother of invention. The researchers were examining how the 3D organization of the ...
Assembling DNA nanostructures at more moderate temperatures opens up the possibility of using the structures in biomedical ...
A new study by LMU and Helmholtz Munich shows how pathogens control changes in their cell surface to evade the immune system.
New research into how a retrovirus is spreading across populations of wild koalas in Queensland, Australia is leading to a ...
Spatial transcriptomics is a cutting-edge technique that characterizes gene expression within sections of tissue, such as ...
University at Albany researchers at the RNA Institute are pioneering new methods for designing and assembling DNA ...
RNA sequencing has emerged as a powerful supplement to DNA sequencing for Mendelian disease diagnosis, but clinical ...
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have discovered molecules that present the potential to drive the development of gastric cancer-among the world's deadliest forms of the disease.
RNA sequencing has emerged as a powerful supplement to DNA sequencing for Mendelian disease diagnosis, but clinical ...