With an average annual income of $315 per capita, Nepal is the second poorest country in Asia after Afghanistan and one of ...
Opinion - With the world bombarded with information, the concept of truth has become more disintegrative. As opposed to earlier when religious, philosophical, and historical doctrine helped shape the ...
How far away are they from starting a true, violent civil war? They aren’t going to give up and they aren’t going to change.
Israel’s softheartedness is a big problem. I’m not advocating that Israelis copy the inhuman, atrocious behavior of our enemies, but there must be a change from Israel trying to please the UN (won’t ...
Wing Women,” Andrea Dworkin offered provocative arguments about the “sexual, sociological, and spiritual adaptation” of her ...
Opinion: Chaos and entropy theory hold that when you reach an inflection point such as we are now experiencing politically, ...
It was an embarrassing statement by a highly-educated elected official but indicative of the obsession Democrats have with ...
Reason's Nick Gillespie talks with him about the history of communism, how its focus on forced equality is inherently violent, and how Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, and others each ...
Under Trump's presidency, America's soft power is being transferred to Russia, enhancing Putin's global influence.
One astonishing phenomenon (of admittedly many) in this second presidency of Donald Trump is his voluntary transfer of ...