Judge Beverly Cannone told Karen Read's defense they had committed 'flagrant violations' of discovery, but could stay on her ...
A federal judge has denied Karen Read's request to drop two charges against her and said Judge Cannone was not wrong in ...
The 45-year-old Mansfield woman is scheduled to be retried for the killing of her boyfriend, Boston police officer John ...
Karen Read’s bid to toss murder charge is denied by Massachusetts federal judge: ‘This Court sees no basis to conclude that ...
A look at the timeline of events in Karen Read's high-profile Massachusetts murder trial as she is charged with killing Boston police officer John O'Keefe.
Special prosecutor Hank Brennan wants Judge Cannone to bar any mention of the federal probe into the case during Read’s upcoming retrial.
An attorney representing Karen Read told a federal judge Wednesday morning that her constitutional right to avoid ...
A federal judge has denied Karen Read's request to drop two charges against her and said Judge Cannone was not wrong in ...