As part of this year’s Legislative session, Florida state lawmakers have been busy filing hundreds of different bills.
The House of Delegates has joined the state Senate in advancing a bill to require each public school – including charters – to have on campus a wearable panic alarm system. Each employee would be ...
The House of Delegates has joined the state Senate in advancing a bill to require each public school — including charters — ...
Dan Froot understands how potential viewers of Arms Around America might think about a theater production that takes a ...
Wolf was in the restroom at the club in the early morning hours of June 12, 2016, when a man walked into a nearby room with ...
WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT. Nicholas Prosper, a 'geeky' teenager who turned his dark internet fantasies into reality, has ...
Secret Service arrested a Florida man who was charged with posting online threats to kill President Donald Trump, including a ...
WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT. As triple killer Nicholas Prosper faces life behind bars for murdering his family and plotting ...