Previously, the art of vycinanka received the status of an intangible historical and cultural value of Belarus.
A monument to Barbara Radziwill and Sigismund Augustus will appear in Vilnius. The sculptor Gediminas Perkinas has seen their ...
Police in Poland have put 32-year-old Belarusian Yury Vorsa on the wanted list. He is suspected of working for foreign ...
The propagandists, officials and religious preachers who did not flee Syria, who had served the regime for decades, began to ...
Belarusian universities produce a lot of IT specialists. In the current economy, they need half as many, said Education ...
There are several paintings by Marc Chagall in Belarus. Their restoration has been entrusted to a welder, Belsat has learned.
Specialists who prepared materials on Belarusian Vycinanka for UNESCO have either left Belarus or were dismissed as politically unreliable, reports the telegram channel Spadchyna, which covers the ...
A German built an airplane and wanted to fly from the GDR to the West. But ended up in prison. How did he buy it back?
"Еўропе патрэбна моцная, адзіная пазіцыя, каб забяспечыць трывалы мір", — напісаў украінскі прэзідэнт у сацсетках.
Польшча ўвяла чарговыя санкцыі супраць кампаній, якія экспартуюць калійныя ўгнаенні з Беларусі. На гэты раз у "чорны спіс" ...
Трагічнае здарэнне адбылося ўвечары ў сераду на 109-м кіламетры аўтадарогі М-10 "Мяжа Расіі — Гомель — Кобрын".
У гандлёвым цэнтры "Беларусь" адсутнічала святло, была вялікая задымленасць, і наведнікі не маглі самастойна знайсці выхад.