The Deadnersville Halloween Haunt, created by Lorne Holditch in memory of his wife Sheila, continues to inspire and delight ...
The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit will vote Thursday on merging with two neighbours into a regional public ...
Upholding an annual holiday tradition, Cornwall Mayor Justin Towndale did the honours of lighting the Christmas tree a few ...
Heritage Minutes, a history-based series that has been showcased throughout Canada since 1991, is now putting Kingston on the ...
The idea for the contest came back in 2006, from John Bohannon, a scientist who studies microbiology and artificial ...
Michel Laurin, 37, was charged with robbery using firearm; forcible confinement; mischief under $5,000; disguise with intent; ...
Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox and Addington (KFL&A) Public Health’s board of health voted Tuesday morning to merge with its ...
There is nothing quite like a festive parade of floats festooned with trees, reindeers and twinkling lights to get a person ...
Organized by the County of Renfrew’s Economic Development Division, the Taste of the Valley event series highlights all ...
In October, Statistics Canada released the results of a survey of the drinking habits of Canadians. “ A snapshot of alcohol ...
WHITEWATER REGION — The Upper Ottawa Valley (UOV) Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is investigating the ...
If you are contacted by a scammer or believe you have fallen victim to fraud, report the incident to the Upper Ottawa Valley ...