SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium announced the birth of a sand tiger shark, marking the first such event in the aquarium's history.
The baby female was 90 centimeters long and weighed ... Since opening in 2002, Aqua World has been trying to breed the sand tiger shark, a viviparous species whose eggs hatch inside the womb.
Sand tiger sharks, also known as gray nurse sharks, have a deceivingly ferocious look. They are large-bodied and display a mouthful of sharp teeth that protrude in all directions, even when the ...
Not much surprises Ash Jenner in his line of work, but even the young lifeguard was stunned after a pregnant tiger shark washed up ... another baby popped out. I didn't think the [mother] was ...
A monster pregnant tiger shark that was caught in drumlines ... who raced down to the beach after seeing the commotion on the sand, said it was the biggest shark he had seen in more than 20 ...
are thought to be even faster. Youngest shark to bite a human: A marine biologist, while probing the uterus of a pregnant sand tiger shark, was bitten by an unborn pup. The strongest shark bite ...