More than 50 years after the passing of the hero of Free France, is Europe having a de Gaulle moment? The question echoes in ...
Details regarding Anatoliy Golitsyn have been unredacted in the latest release of files about the assassination of President ...
Macron may not yet be bragging about it, but his crusade for strategic autonomy seems at long last to be vindicated ...
Paris and London can provide the assurances that stop a continental race for nuclear weapons, but it won't be easy.
For the foreseeable future a conventional approach to defence, perhaps backed by British and French nuclear assets, remains ...
Sixty-four years ago, with the world gripped by the fear of a nuclear confrontation between superpowers, France's ...
When Charles de Gaulle published the first volume of his war memoirs, in 1954, it looked like an acknowledgment that he no longer belonged to the present, but to history. His achievements during the ...
It’s a new day in Europe. Gone are the halcyon years of unshakeable American commitment to Europe’s defense against Russia.
Though not nuclear-powered, the America-class vessels are similar in size to the French Navy’s flagship aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle ... Second World War and early Cold War, while the ...
Charles de Gaulle ... He dismissed de Gaulle as an irritation with no democratic credentials. His opinion did not change when the US entered the war in December 1941. Indeed, Roosevelt believed ...
In recent days, the perceived value among allies of acquiring nuclear weapons is up, and confidence in the U.S. nuclear ...