That’s why we add new animals for you to discover – each and every day! Learn about any animal using the search box below or subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Also, be sure to check out our improved ...
The ever-growing field of animal healing called zoopharmacognosy refers to behaviors animals use to medicate themselves or their relatives by ingesting or topically applying plants, soils ...
Animals' unique abilities to predict natural disasters have amazed scientists for centuries. Dogs, elephants, fish, toads, cats, birds, cows, and snakes show unusual behaviors before earthquakes ...
Are there any animals with mental disabilities? – Adria G. Max was a fun-loving Labrador retriever who enjoyed going for car rides and greeting clients at his owner’s office. But around age 16 ...
They are also the rare animal species where males do the majority of infant care. Female cassowaries lay eggs and then leave the nest, so males incubate the eggs and then raise the young chicks.
Throughout human history, animals have played crucial roles in healing, both physically and emotionally. Some animals inspire groundbreaking medical research, while others provide therapeutic ...