We wanted to create a Best Buy for hydroponics,” says Feinglos, “and put it in the heart of the city, to show people how easy ...
Increases in extreme weather events are impacting agricultural crops and threatening our food supply. The results of recent ...
Funding was cut for two programs: the Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program for schools and the Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program for food banks. More than ...
If we want a healthier country, we should be educating and enabling Americans to make responsible choices at the grocery store. Too many Americans are misled by convenience or misleading marketing, ...
Promising a return to “fiscally responsible initiatives,” the Agriculture Department ended two Biden-era programs that paid ...
The money flowed from the federal government to the state so farmers could be paid for food to be delivered to food banks and meal kitchens. Now that's over.
In a series of three recent studies, a team led by CSIC researcher at CRAG Ana I. Caño-Delgado has made significant progress ...
The Donor Committee on Agriculture and Food Security has said there are economic structural issues that are not being tackled ...
Colorado school districts used the federal program to purchase local food and support “socially disadvantaged” and small ...
Farmers in South Sudan are facing a dire crisis as relentless climate changes obliterate their crops and livelihoods.
New perspective on the cancellation of the eleven million dollars in United States Department of Agircultyre funding that helped connect iowa farmers and their ...
Schools and local food banks will lose about $1.1 billion from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the purchase of food ...