A local tree company reported Tuesday that it spotted an egg sac for spotted lanternflies on a tree on Sterrettania Road in ...
As steam rises from sugarhouse cupolas and early morning coffee pots, sugarmakers are working overtime to turn maple sap into ...
Despite the problems the cold can cause for farmers, gardeners, and homeowners, a cold winter can be a welcome event from a pest management perspective.
Read on and learn the how and why of companion planting. Companion planting is the practice of growing two or more different ...
Dead trees are important for wildlife. Biologists employ bat boxes, bluebird nesting boxes and artificial bear dens to make ...
Insect predators found in the United States could help keep spotted lanternfly populations in check while potentially ...
Insecticide spraying in Pochampalli mango plantations harms peacocks, prompting farmer intervention and Forest Department rescue efforts.
Recent research by scientists at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT), Texas Tech University, and several other ...