El cierre de Skype se produce 14 años después de que Microsoft comprara el servicio por US$ 8.500 millones, lo que supuso la mayor adquisición de la compañía hasta ese momento. Microsoft integró el ...
Antes de Windows 95, Microsoft desarrolló tres antecesores con interfaz gráfica. Con MS-DOS apostó por una interfaz con solo texto y el tiempo les ha dado la razón Mi primer ordenador llegó a ...
Where to watch Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! episode 8? Kazuhiro and co should prove successful in protecting the Arkdragons from Sven in Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! episode 8 (Image via ZERO-G) ...
DOS could indeed "do graphics," but the Windows team decided to follow a smarter approach by recycling previously available code. Raymond Chen, a Microsoft employee who took part in the Windows ...
People wanted to know: Why not just do that whole thing in MS-DOS? Chen's response came after his November explanation of how the Windows 95 setup was three applications that would eventually lead to ...
Bottom line: Reports that emerged earlier today claiming Microsoft had dropped Windows 11 24H2 support for 8th, 9th, and 10th-gen Intel CPUs are inaccurate. The chips are no longer listed as being ...