A planet killer capable of ripping them to pieces has been discovered, say space scientists. Researchers believe they've found evidence that a white dwarf may have torn a Jupiter-sized planet apart.
Seven days after the dwarf planet Ceres left your career sector, ending her last deep dive into your professional needs and priorities for another four years and with the Moon having left a few ...
Ceres Sample Return would recover material from the dwarf planet Ceres. The Comet Surface Sample Return would do the same, but from a comet—an agglomeration of ice and dust flying through space.
NORFOLK, Va. — Each planet in our solar system takes a different amount of time to complete one orbit around the sun. For example, Mercury, being closest to the sun, takes just 88 Earth days to ...
There are eight planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. You may recall that Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the ...
Venturing closer to the sun and inside the main asteroid belt orbits the dwarf planet Ceres, on which NASA's Dawn spacecraft identified frozen salts caused by a process known as cryovolcanism.
It provides a unique glimpse into Ryugu's chemical history The discovery of these salt minerals has broader implications Similar sodium salts could be found on the dwarf planet Ceres Asteroids, which ...
He also calculated orbits for the minor planets Ceres and Pallas. The asteroid Ceres had been briefly observed in January 1801 but had then, after it had been tracked for 41 days, was lost in the ...
Powerful winds carrying metals in a planet-wide jet stream have been discovered on a hellish world where we already know it rains molten iron. For the first time, scientists have been able to map ...
This extreme proximity to the star results in one side of the planet being perpetually scorched while the other remains much cooler. Studying this new world has provided scientists with the first ...
they were actually deciding whether another four planets would join the solar system, (Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris). Astronomer Mike Brown, discoverer of most of those dwarf planets ...
Explore the planets with NASA There are five officially recognized dwarf planets in our solar system: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris, according to NASA. What happened to Pluto?