The house of Ford is all about vanity,” said Ackermann after his hormonal show, which mused on American Psycho and mornings ...
As the show flowed, Mr. Ackermann maintained the straight-backed architecture that makes Tom Ford suits a genuine benchmark ...
One evening in late January, Haider Ackermann, the new designer at Tom Ford, was tucked into a velvet banquette at La Reserve ...
Chalamet's next project, Marty Supreme, is scheduled hit theaters in December. And given that film's tailoring-heavy wardrobe ...
Two years after abruptly exiting his namesake brand, Tom Ford is back at Tom Ford…sorta. It was in April 2023 that the iconic ...
The new designer at the storied house made his debut on Wednesday night during Paris Fashion Week—with plenty of sly references to the brand's founder.
Gigi Hadid Hits Tom Ford Runway After Seen Getting Close with Leonardo DiCaprio at NYFW Party Tom Ford Says 'It's Been Hard' After Death of Husband: 'I Keep Thinking ... I Have to Call Richard ...
Since 1957, GQ has inspired men to look sharper and live smarter with its unparalleled coverage of style, culture, and beyond. From award-winning writing and photography to binge-ready videos to ...