Think sustainability, and you’ll likely think green — key global issues like emissions, footprints, and carbon management. But are you getting the full picture of what sustainability in business ...
He regularly contributes to taught postgraduate programmes in the areas of technology and innovation management, and also supervises several doctorate students on digital innovation and open commons.
Find information about opening hours for the NTU libraries, Information Desks, our Library@ Library-Managed Study Spaces, and our 24/7 Study Zones. Our libraries have extended opening hours, but when ...
Zhongmin is an Associate Professor in Economics. His research areas are Labour Economics, China Economy, and Applied Econometrics. Zhongmin’s teaching responsibilities include supervising ...
Yvonne is Head of Department, Human Resource Management, and has a School wide role as Head of International Affairs. Yvonne completed her Doctoral Studies in 2002 when she researched the impact of ...
Want to make a difference? Social work, care and community offer some of the most rewarding, challenging and important jobs going – roles that give you the chance to meaningfully improve life for ...
Dr. Azfar Khalid holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from GIK Institute of Engineering, Pakistan and a PhD in Precision Engineering from University of Manchester (2009). Dr. Khalid is a Senior ...