A 2011 paper found that Mexican Coke – which is supposed to be sweetened with cane sugar – contained no cane sugar. Instead, ...
For the first time, scientists have observed a collection of particles, also known as a quasiparticle, that's massless when ...
Researchers at the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (UChicago PME) have realized a new design for a ...
A new analysis led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that more than half of ...
Normally, America’s smokiest cities lie out west. But Canada’s unusually intense 2023 wildfire season smothered American ...
Known as sand piranhas, Excirolana chiltoni are tiny crustaceans that nibble at your feet – and draw blood – if you hang out on the wet sand at the beach. They live on the ...
In its various forms, lead has been used in many everyday products for millennia. The Romans even added it to wine as a ...
The short-term boost our brains get after we do exercise persists throughout the following day, suggests a new study led by ...
Windy with a chance of catastrophic dust storms blotting out the sky. In a new study, planetary scientists at CU Boulder have ...
A cave in Galilee, Israel, has yielded evidence for ritualistic gathering 35,000 years ago, the earliest on the Asian ...
The asteroid that extinguished the dinosaurs is estimated to have been about 10 kilometers across. That’s about as wide as ...
People have been trying to make the prettiest colors we can for thousands of years. And sometimes, we've even used poison to do it. From lead white to arsenic Scheele's green and cobalt ...