Spirit Airlines has implemented a new policy banning passengers from wearing explicit or revealing clothing, such as exposed ...
Passengers flying on Spirit Airlines can now be removed from a flight if a tattoo or other “body art” is deemed “lewd, ...
Catching a flight anytime soon? Be sure to watch what you wear if you're flying with Spirit Airlines, as they are updating ...
Today’s tattoo-removal experts are quite adept at ridding their clients of all types of ill-conceived tattoos. But there are ...
Spirit Airlines now bans offensive, see-through, or revealing clothing. Violators may be denied boarding or removed without a ...
The airline updated its ‘contract of carriage’ guidelines for the dress code that is permitted on board a flight.
Spirit Airlines is getting stricter about its dress code. Why it matters: The company updated its passenger "contract of ...
Spirit Airlines is now spelling out exactly what passengers can and cannot wear or show when flying the friendly skies. The ...
Passengers determined to be "inadequately clothed" or displaying "lewd, obscene or offensive" clothing or tattoos can be ...
LANSING, MI -- Ingham County Animal Control says it recovered 15 dead cats from a home on Denver Avenue Friday. Six other ...
Spirit Airlines updated its dress code this week with more descriptive and restrictive rules, warning passengers that showing ...
Spirit Airlines has a new dress code for passengers banning certain tattoos, clothing — or not enough clothing.