Little Angels School, Sonipat
Adventure, Fun, and Learning: Little Angels School's Camp Extravaganza 07 Feb, 2025 Grand Farewell for Little Angels' -Batch 2024-25
Little Angels School, Sonipat
Little Angels Inclusive School was started as a Special School with 46 students in 2011. Gradually, in a short time frame, an integrated set up was initiated. Integrating children with special needs into mainstream classrooms promotes a more inclusive society. It is very important for developing an empathetic, wellrounded society.
Little Angels School, Sonipat
About Us School Motto Visionaries Chairman Principal Principal Inclusive School Headmistress Faculty Career Admission School Information (C.B.S.E.) Campus. ... Little Angels School Patel Nagar, Sonipat, Haryana, India . Phone: +91 130 2243789, 2253269, +91 …
Little Angels School, Sonipat
Well Planned & Globally recognized Curriculum - Little Angels School was conceived with a vision to create those traditions which are the hallmarks of all good schools; respect for the integrity and individuality of each student, a well-qualified & purpose-driven faculty and a well-balanced curriculum which inspires a love for learning for its own …
Little Angels School, Sonipat
The School follows somewhat integrated curriculum based on the programmes of the CBSE with a focus on inculcating confidence in basic life skills- Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Comprehension, Problem Solving, Learning right values and thus being able to communicate well. ... Little Angels School Patel Nagar, Sonipat, Haryana, India ...
Little Angels School, Sonipat
Little Angels School Patel Nagar, Sonipat, Haryana, India. CONTACT INFORMATION. 0130 - 2243789, 2253269 [email protected]. Admission Inquiry +91 92150 03624 +91 92150 03640 +91 92150 03651 +91 92150 03639. Get In Touch. Little Angels School Patel Nagar, Sonipat, Haryana, India .
Little Angels School, Sonipat
sl no. information. details. 1. name of the school. little angels school. 2. affiliation no.(if applicable) 530168. 3. school code (if applicable) 40175. 4. complete address with pin code
FEE STRUCTURE FOR THE YEAR 2024-2025 Fee Head Play Group NUR To Prep-II I-III IV-V VI-VIII IX-X XI XII Admn. Fee 10000 10000 13000 13000 16000 16000 13000 Tuition Fee( Monthly) 5075 6800 7075 7000 7200 7325 8425 8425
Little Angels School, Sonipat
The farewell ceremony of the Class XII students at Little Angels School was a grand affair, marked by great pomp and gaiety. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed dignitaries, including Principal; Ms. Asha Goyal, Principal of Little Angels Inclusive School; Ms. Sonia Arora, Vice Principal; Ms. Geeta Arora, Headmistress; Ms. Bharti Dutta, and other distinguished guests.
Little Angels School, Sonipat
"I am sure Little Angels School will keep shining as a true citadel of learning and keep scaling new heights of glory." Get In Touch. Little Angels School Patel Nagar, Sonipat, Haryana, India . Phone: +91 130 2243789, 2253269, +91 9215003651, 9215003639. Email: [email protected].