Why does sulfur have 2 melting points? : r/askscience - Reddit
Apr 18, 2015 · The transition point is 369K - below it, alpha sulphur is stable and above it, beta sulphur is stable. Both have eight sulphur atoms though and differ mainly in their structure …
How does sulfur hexaflouride have a higher boiling point than …
Feb 16, 2016 · Hi, the boiling point of SF6 is still higher than the melting point or Triple point, which lies at the temperature you are stating. The boiling point is reported at normal pressure …
Just FYI, you all keep only mentioning Varginha as an example
Jul 6, 2023 · A LAKE of molten brimstone means that it’s temperature must be at or below the boiling point of 444.6 C. At the following link there is a discussion which I am not smart enough …
Why do bigger and heavier molecules have a higher boiling point ...
The correlation between molecular mass and boiling point is commonly cited although I believe it's a grave misconception and lazy teaching. The correlation does exist but it's to do with the …
Why do materials like some metals with lower heat capacities
For one gram of water go from absolute 0 to fully melted at 273K requires around 600J to heat the ice to its melting point, and then close to another 350 to melt completely for around 950J For …
Liquid Sulfur Geyser Tamer? : r/Oxygennotincluded - Reddit
Apr 22, 2022 · Metal volcano designs will only cool down to ~125, which is above sulfur's melting point, so eventually this will be insufficient to solidify the sulfur and the sweeper system will fail …
Trisulfur Boiling Point : r/chemistry - Reddit
Mar 24, 2021 · Trisulfur Boiling Point A simple question that I cannot find by googling for some reason. I keep getting different molecules like Trisulfur Dioxide showing up instead, but I know …
Is it safe to melt sulfur? : r/chemistry - Reddit
May 26, 2021 · You can melt it over low heat. If you pour the molten stuff into cold water, you'll get "plastic sulfur", which can be shaped and molded but will eventually harden, the more it's …
Why does sulfur have a higher melting point than phosphorus?
Oct 19, 2019 · Why does sulfur have a higher melting point than phosphorus? I had a chemistry test recently and that question came up. I answered 'its a bigger molecule so has stronger Van …
Aluminum solidified at high temperature and can't re melt
Oct 26, 2019 · The solution is to melt the diet salt and pour it into ingots first. MAKE VERY SURE YOUR INGOT MOLD IS 100% DRY BY PREHEATING IT, BECAUSE MOLTEN SALT HATES …
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